EANNC logo colors

Employee Assistance Network of North Carolina (EANNC) knew it was time to refresh their 10 year old website. With a recent ownership shift, we dug a bit deeper and determined it was also a good idea for them to clarify their brand message and rethink their identity.

Utilizing the StoryBrand framework, I lead a brand messaging workshop with the EAN team and helped them create clear messaging. We then brought the message to life through a new visual identity and website.


  • Creative Direction
  • Brand Strategy
  • Identity Design
  • Web Design
  • Presentation Design
  • Copywriting


  • Nick Romanos
  • Laurel Scherer (Project Management)
EANNC  moodboard
EANNC sketchesEANNC rejected design

An approachable new brand identity is helping EAN serve more patients.

Since launching their new website in and visual identity in early 2021, EAN has noticed a significant uptick in requests for appointments. As a company that offers ongoing employee assistance plans (EAPs), this is important because it means companies who purchase EAPs are seeing more value – making them more likely to stick around in the long-run.

Since the launch of the identity, I've continued to support EAN by helping them design a keynote pitch deck (proposal), while maintaining the website I've built for them in Webflow.

EANNC touchpoints
EANNC brochure
EANNC website